Gikii 2024 Programme

By | July 29, 2024

Gikii 2024: UCL London


1200: Arrive and Lunch

1245-1400: Losing Humans Down The Back of A Sofa
• Impersonation and Identity Fraud in Agatha Christie’s Fiction (Wendy Grossman)
• Æther as Information: the role of Æther in Thomas Pynchon’s ‘Against the Day’ as a retro-historical sociology of information societies (Vassilis Galanos, University of Stirling)
• Nihil Novi Sub Sole: Ruminations on Justice, Sovereignty and Power (and what Scholarship Concerning the Shield of Achilles, Tabletop Gaming and “Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines” Might Have to Teach us About the Same) (Jonathan Brown, University of Strathclyde)
• The Infinite Creativity-Machine: The Chaotic Current State of the Generative Music Underworld and the Legal System Ignoring It (Zachary Cooper, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)


1415-1515: Hype Cycle Helmets Must Be Worn Beyond This Point
• AI: Running Out of Road (Jon Crowcroft, University of Cambridge/Imperial College London/Alan Turing Institute, Wendy Grossman)
• Quack (Miranda Mowbray, University of Bristol)
• How we learned to stop worrying (about the law) and love quantum technologies –    A legal meditation entangled by qubits (Anh Nguyen, Anushka Mittal and Bengi Zeybek, University of Amsterdam)


1530-1630: Fairly Naughty Things
• How the FBI became the phone service provider of choice for organised crime (Ray Corrigan, Open University)
• AI’s Kinkiest Intermediary (Michael Veale, University College London)
• NotOnlyFans: musings on the future of adult entertainment in the era of sexbots, avatars, and AI-generated videos (Wojtek Buczynski, University of Cambridge)
1630-1700: Plenary on the State of Things
1700: Exit to Pub


0900-0930: Arrival and Coffee

0930-1030 Stick This In Your Pipe and Commodify It
• Owning Our Every Thought (Andelka M. Phillips, University of Oxford/University of Ghent)
• Intellectual Property/Fanfiction: From Anne Rice to AI (Emily Roach, University of Law)
• Caught in a Bad (Copyrighted) Romance? Mod It. (Amy Thomas, University of Glasgow)


1045-1200 Faces and Spaces
• Toxic Garbage Island: Repair and eWaste in Chen Quifan’s The Waste Tide (Lachlan Urquhart, University of Edinburgh)
• Ground control to major drone: Exploring EU’s space oddity (Samar Abbas Nawaz, Peace Research Institute Oslo)
• The eternal heartbreak of the shop assistant pressing “This person is clearly over 25” button at the self-service checkout (Andy Phippen, Bournemouth University)
• Calliagnostics (Bernard Keenan, University College London)

1200-1300: Lunch

• “Thou shall not make a machine in the likeness of a human mind” (The Orange Bible) (Emanuela Lecchi, University of Dundee)
• Sovereignty-as-a-Service: Azure Hope They’ve Thought This Through (Divij Joshi, University College London)
• 90% of everything is crap: a competition law response to ‘enshittification’ (Peter J. van de Waerdt, University of Groningen)
• What consumer harms do gamers identify on reddit?: A thematic analysis of posts on R/stopgaming about why gamers felt they had to stop playing video games (Hannah Heilbuth and Richard Hyde, University of Nottingham)


1430-1545: Your Neighbourhood Corporate Overlords
• The Compan-e Town (Andrea Matwyshyn, Penn State University)
• Politics and privacy?  Why privacy is stuffed whoever’s in power (Paul Bernal, University of East Anglia)
• Are we already living in an Optimal world? Rethinking privacy & consent in the not-so-distant future (Carey Lening)
• The right to reclaim how to live time (Anna-Maria Piskopani, University of Nottingham)


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